Robot, Equator and Kapasitematik Integration
The Equator, developed by the Renishaw design team, has a delta robot style body with very high repetition ability. Unlike CMMs, the Renishaw Equator uses the device as a reference production part, namely the “golden sample”. A coordinate measuring machine that works in the workshop environment by calibrating with Considering the effect of thermal variables on metrology performance, the Equator 300, with its more stable body structure, is recalibrated by measuring the gold piece in a time enough to take one piece measurement if the temperature change exceeds the limit to be determined by the user. This is done fully automatically, thanks to the temperature sensor on the equator. At this point, Kapasitematik ensures that information access and machine intervention requirements can be met without being at the workbench.I With Equator, you can program an unlimited number of parts and measure them fully automatically.